
The Kids Choose the Church


I have been candid with what we are faced with as a congregation. Now I want to offer where we go from here. Here is the phrase that guides me:  the kids choose the church. I had not heard this phrase until I moved to Atlanta. It has rung true in my ears and has been demonstrated again and again ever since.

Here’s what the phrase means: If there is ministry for children that children will like, the kids will come. If the kids come, they will eventually bring their parents. Simple but true.

Remember the capital of relationships? Well children are relationship starved. They crave relationships, attention and love: from each other and from other adults. Parents, who are overwhelmed and overworked, find an ally in their desire to give what’s best for their children. If their child wants to come to a given church, the parent willingly forgoes whatever preferences the parent might have for church because they have a church that their child likes. It is one less battle. One more asset. And out of this, relationships grow.

Our leadership team * has had many hours of discussion about the future of Amazing Grace. We’ve talked, debated, argued, been frustrated, and at times have been divided on the question of the direction Amazing Grace should take. But we’ve agreed on one thing,  unanimously and unconditionally: You can’t have a vital church without a good ministry for families and children. Of all the things we’ve discussed, we are of one mind on that question.

Unfortunately Amazing Grace has been on the short end of this truth. We’ve had cases over the years where the parents were led out of our congregation by their kids. The kids went to a church where their friends were and they wanted to go too. The parents were tired of fighting about it. The kids chose the church.

It is in this area where we can capitalize on our location and building. We can make a place where kids are loved and supported, where parents have an ally in the church to help raise their kids, where the Bible is taught and fellowship is enjoyed, and God will bless that.

It is time to re-claim this truth and to use it to bring others closer to Christ. Working with children requires an investment and sacrifice that we are not currently making, involving time, money and effort. But if we do so, I am confident it will bear fruit.

*The leadership team consists of Pastor Jason, David Berfield, Jacob Crowe, Tracie Crowe, Richard Lee, Rick Upton and chaired by Rudy Beilfuss.

Amazing Grace Lutheran Church
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